Monday, 18 February 2013

Moi et Myself: Je Suis............................?

Some of you might be wondering, who’s this blogger? Well, the answer is in the next many words, from there you judge for yourselves who I am or what I am and if I am worth listening to.
Well, I’m a serious joker, bad combination of words but will do; I love to play with words.
I am Olanrewaju Omoya, You probably know that part or not, but it’s important.
I’m a Serious Joker and complacent serious person.
Above all things, I am a Christian, I believe everything the Bible says and I believe in God so much so, I believe it’s the reason for my existence, take God out, I seize to exist, I believe when there is no God, there is Nothingness, let me use that word.
In life, there are 5 things; responsibility to family, friends and society; all in that order. 5 things, namely:
  • ·         God
  • ·         Family
  • ·         Relationships
  • ·         Career
  • ·         Society(Ministry)

I love LOVE. Someone who understands life and love may just have it all figured out.
Where do my loyalties lie? With God, Nigeria and Real Madrid. The other two things? I won’t be mentioning right now.
I believe in dreams, the big ones and small ones, but who chooses them n’est pas moi (is not me), I believe God gives you both of them, but fulfilling them is another story, He alone has the keys to open doors to fulfilling them.
 I can’t tell you all of me, but I believe some people are interested in this:
I’m as Single as they come, only ever had one girlfriend, have cared a lot(probably too much) about seven different exceptional people and I’m unavailably available.
One last thing, I’m a crack head at Mathematics, Love engineering, Love problems and challenges but only when they don’t stress me and I finally get to solve them
You put all those 300 words and you still ask who is He again? My best answer is I’m an ever changing Enigma(even me don’t have all the answers) and all I can say is just accept me, you don’t need to approve, just ACCEPT.

1 comment:

  1. Uh...hey there!..list of the seven exceptional people please? kid...
    Sure is good to have stumbled on your blog..Your writing style,as simple,concise and wholesomely refreshing as it is, sorta paints an unfamiliar picture of you...

    Ok,too much talk already..byeeee
    May your life be Resplendent!



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