Monday, 11 February 2013

11th February 2013

It’s the 11th of February, Nigeria won the Africa Nations Cup Yesterday Night. Why is that significant? You might ask, it is because it’s a story.
  • ·         It’s a story of eagles ridiculed to be chickens but they had to show the world that they could soar
  • ·         It’s a story of a boy called Moses who despite losing his family to the crisis in a country comes back to make that country proud and give some hope to its people
  • ·         It’s a story of a people who have long waited to be able to raise their heads high again and say that we are a people who are many and for this reason have the talents, skill, ambition and strength in numbers to call ourselves GIANTS OF AFRICA
  • ·         It’s a story of how a little victory in a game like soccer can spark hope for tomorrow in the hearts and minds of 170 million people.

So, you see it’s more than a football match; it’s a nation’s story.
A story of
  • ·         Triumph in crisis
  • ·         Hope in hopelessness
  • ·         Faith in the midst of every kind of doubt
  • ·         Strength in being beat down
  • ·         Unity when we have one goal in mind

 I love Nigeria and I have to confess that love has reduced for a while; however, this victory sparks love in me once again.
Who said?
  • ·         I can’t build success in these trenches?
  • ·         We can’t be one as a people?
  • ·         We are nothing without our oil?
  • ·         We are not a nation?

Today, the only answer I can give you is here and now, we have found a voice. This victory is our Answer.

God Bless Nigeria

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