Friday, 7 March 2014


‘These things I tell you so that you will have peace. In the world you will have tribulations but take courage because I have overcome the world’ – John 16:33 paraphrased

Why not Peace Here and Now in this world?

It’s because God never goes back on His word.

At creation He handed dominion over to man and man committed treason by handing that dominion over to the devil when He chose to obey the devil who had no dominion on earth; through this, man became a slave to the devil and the devil is now the prince of this world, the ruler of the world. That’s why the devil had the guts to tempt Jesus by saying He will give Him the Kingdoms of this world if only Jesus will bow to Him (Maybe now you see the reason for all the evil in the world).

That’s why the world is in the chaos it is in today, it is ruled by the devil. However, the one thing that the devil could not take was man Himself because we are God’s creation and He can’t own us but in order to free us from all the trouble the devil will cause us God worked a plan back there and then.

Because God will not leave us to be condemned and He would not go back on his word either and He loved man so much. So He had to send His Son Jesus (The best He could send) to become a man. He was man just like He is God now and before He came to earth. Jesus was a perfect man working under the influence of the Holy Spirit, He felt sad, He wept, He felt troubled, He thirst, He was hungry, all because He had to be man in other to save us from all the works of the devil (Because being God He could not take it all from the devil because that will amount to God going back on His word when He gave dominion to man).

So because Jesus was sinless, He was able to overcome the devil and He conquered death because the devil had nothing on Him (Now you see why Jesus is Lord); because at the mention of the name of Jesus every Knee will Bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord (even the devil).

Now in the fullness of time, He will come back to take all that the devil has taken from us through the deceit at the Garden of Eden and dominion will be His because He is man and the fulfilment of God’s word that Man should have dominion over all the earth just like God originally intended.

So you see why He could say just like I started ‘In the world you will have troubles but I have overcome the world’. This is the reason for my peace.

Is this the reason for your peace?

If it is not, make it the reason for your peace. Come and See Peace and all the other benefits which through Christ have been restored back to Man.

If it is then join me in saying ‘even so come Lord Jesus’


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