Wednesday, 5 March 2014


There’s a peace in my heart
That the world never gave
A peace it cannot take away
Though life’s trials may surround like a cloud
I have a peace that has come to stay
Constantly Abiding………………………………………………………………………………
Anne S. Murphy, 1908

Such is the peace that we all seek.
The whole world is in a conundrum, every nation seeks peace but what it seems to be the only thing that eludes us. Why? Because even though the earth still rotates around its axis and the sun and the moon still have the same effect as they used to have, the missing link is that we have left what keeps it all together, The Prince of Peace.
The Bible says that ‘in Him all things consist and without Him was anything that was made whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers’.
As long as the world remains the way it is with every nation focused on bringing itself glory and strength, I’m afraid there can be no peace.
As long as there are some people in the world who look to satisfy themselves and their own bellies, there won’t be peace.
But there is a peace that we all can find, it is peace with God, it is the peace of God, it is peace of mind.
You first must have peace with God in other to have the peace of God and peace of mind.
To make peace with God, there’s only one way and that is through Jesus ‘ There is none other name given among men whereby we can be saved’. He is the Prince of Peace.
God always looked to give us peace and that is why He sent Jesus, so that we can have the peace of God. Peace that passes all understanding.
Come to Jesus and you will Find Peace in Him.

All the world seemed to sing
Of a Saviour and King
When Peace swiftly came to my heart
Troubles all fled away and my night turned to day
Blessed Jesus how glorious thou art.
Constantly abiding………………………………………………………..

Anne S. Murphy, 1908

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