A one in 100 years disease currently ravages the world
The current state of affairs is dire and it leaves one wondering, when does it get better, is there an end to this, where is the light in the darkness, where is hope, where do I turn?
Hope and Light can be found in the One.
There is an old hymn that goes like this
In Times Like this
We need an Anchor
In Times Like this
We need a Saviour
My Anchor holds and grips the solid rock.
This Rock is Jesus, Yes He's the One
This Rock is Jesus, The Only One
Be Very Sure, I'm Very Sure
My Anchor Holds and grips The Solid Rock.
God has shown time and again that He is the Anchor to hold onto at all times.
He continues to work even in the midst of a pandemic.
He carries every fear and burden for all those who will lay it down on Him.
He remembers His Promises even in the midst of a pandemic and fulfils them
Oh Come and taste of the Goodness of God.
There are heights of Joy that God has prepared for you even now, Yes You and Yes now.
You don't have to wait for it. Go to Him Now.
As the wars and battle rages, Be still and Know that He is God
He is the Anchor for all Ages, Keep your eyes on Him and watch Him steady your boat and cause you to soar above the Storm.
So I pray for you that being strengthened with all might by His Grace you will know the Joy that having the Anchor and an Hope brings. And that you will know Him as a Refuge and Fortress from everything life throws at you (even the pandemic).
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