Friday, 2 September 2016


The son came to Areth as a nam in the Name of Jesu about 2000 years after the destruction of the first nams. Jesu was born through a Virgin to show the Nams that He was not the Son of any Nam, to show them that He was the Son of the King alone. He lived in Areth for several years, teaching the Nams how to walk in love and obey Emini.

Jesu's coming was part of the fufilment of Emini's plan. His mission was to show the nams the kingdom of God, His mission was to show the nams that there was forgivenesss of sins with the King. His mission was to show the nams the way back to the King, His mission was to be a propitiation for the sins of the Nam.

Jesus spent His years showing the Nams how they could once more be restored unto their former relationship with Emini. He taught the Nams that all the laws of Ile-Ife could be summed up in Love. That Love was all Emini wanted from them and all that was needed for them to be close to Emini.  He showed them that religion without morality was false and that no nam could say he was Godly without being morally upright.

Jesu was full of all wisdom, power, might and authority. He was a nam with a difference, He did in 3 years what every nam thought to do for a lifetime.

He did this because in the past many of the nams oppressed the poor and lived immoral lives while claiming allegiance to Emini as their King. Jesu came to debunk all their false teachings and pretences. Jesu showed them that the only way to walk with Emini was to be morally upright.
Some of the nams who expected His coming from the many prophecies in the past thought that He was come to restore a kingdom on areth for a particular group of the nams, they did not understand that Jesu was more than just a king for their group but a King for all nams, all nations and for all ages. But His present mission was to set the foundation for that Kingdom, the Kingdom of Emini.

Many of the Nams hated this, politically speaking they saw Him as a threat to their establishment, morally speaking they saw Him as a nam without morals because many of the nams were hypocrites, men with double standards who will do anything against anyone who was against their interest. His teachings and ways were so bad for their business and politics, they decided to kill Him. They saw His teachings as dangerous and were of the mind that He was just looking to usurp their authority and power (well in some ways, he was going to do just that, but their mistake was to think that He could be stopped).

Levis knew the Son and did everything possible to prevent him from accomplishing His mission, He tempted the Son the same way He tempted the nams but was unsuccessful. However, the plan of the nams to kill Jesu was a success. He was killed on the cross, crucified in such a way that all His blood was drained out of his body and all that was left was water when they pierced his side. All of His blood was shed. His blood was the propitiation (price) that Emini needed for the sin of the nams so that they could enjoy both Emini's love and glory like they once did.

On the day they killed Him there was thick darkness, thunderings and lightning over all of Areth, Emini was very angry, the King was very wrath with Jesu, Jesu was innocent but He carried all the sins of the nams on that day. He let himself be killed so that the nams could live and be part of Emini's Kingdom. The King could only let this happen because it was the only way the nams could be saved from destruction. The King did what he had never done before, turn his eyes away from the Son.

In the Death of Jesu was the price needed to be paid for the breaking of the law by the nams, through this they were restored unto Emini and there was Salvation of the nams. That because of Jesus Blood, they would once again be able to walk with Emini in Love for all Eternity.

When every nam died, their soul and spirit will live and will be transported by the angels to Paradise or the nams wake up in Hell. The angels will fight with the prince of Shoel for the souls of the nams who lived righteously so they could be transported to paradise. In paradise, we find the nams who lived righteously; in Shoel, we find the nams who lived evil lives. The reason why no nam ever came back to areth after death was because Hedat had power over the nams and the nams were subject to Him. Hedat was the prince of death.

But Jesu was not an ordinary nam.  He was a man with the Spirit of Emini himself. When he died, He woke up in hell, his soul was lifted up and for three days in areth, He prevailed against Hedat and Sheol. Hedath withstood Jesu but Jesu prevailed because He was Emini, He took the keys of death and Shoel. In Shoel, Jesu conquered Levis because He had Power and authority over death and Shoel. Shoel could not hold him (because every nam was subject to death), so He conquered and rose again into Areth.

In Areth, He rose up as the Son of the King with a body like no other. With that body, He could do things no other nam had ever done, He could teleport, He could fly, He was supernatural.

His resurrection was to show the nams that He was not just any nam but that He was the Son of Emini. When He rose up, He told the nams that believed many more things about the Kingdom of God and told them to spread it in all the world.

Despite all these signs, most of the nams will not believe in Jesu.

Jesu’s message was a message of hope. He came to show that even the most sinful/evil nam could be forgiven if He would repent of His evil and accept Jesu as Lord and Saviour. He came to show that death was not the last straw for every nam but that it was only the beginning of something greater on the other side.
He came to establish righteousness, justice and truth on areth.
He came to show that areth wasn't going to last forever, that the Creator had other plans in mind.

But not all the nams accepted this, not all of them believed in the sacrifice of Jesu. Some of them believed His teachings but not His sacrifice, Some believed His sacrifice but not His teachings. This was the tragedy of the nams,  the only way to be restored back to Emini was to accept His authority and sovereignty over all and to accept His Love too; you cannot accept one without the other.

Only if the nams knew what was coming, 
Oh, that they knew the wrath of the King against all unrighteousness and injustice, 
Oh, that they knew that the days of grace and mercy will have an end, 
Oh, that they knew that the judgement of the King will soon fill the earth, 
Oh, that they knew that righteousness and justice were the foundation of Jesu’s throne, 
Oh, that they could see what was happening in the heavens, 
Oh, that they knew that a war was brewing in the heavens,
Oh, that they understood the deception of Levis, 
Oh, that they could see what was coming in the next era. 
A Crusade was about to happen and many of the nams were ignorant.

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