Wednesday, 9 March 2016

My Second Letter to the Feminist

My Dearest Feminist,

And now it’s March 2016.
It was international women’s day yesterday and I watched as a woman on TV spoke passionately for the women but at the expense of all the men in the world.
Fortunately, I found a post by my friend on Facebook, making the case for all our women but stating the obvious, she stated:

Women are smart, resourceful, hard-working and beautiful. The exact same is true for men.
Males and females are wonderful, amazing, beautiful, unique and indispensable.
There can be no man without a woman and there can be no woman without a man.
Making a blanket statement that women are better and superior to men is as offensive as saying men are better and superior to women.
In our bid to achieve equal rights and justice for the girl child, let us not go overboard and become the very thing we so passionately despise: chauvinistic bigots. (KAE KAY-MARCH 2016)
Warmed my heart so much
So my dear feminist, remember my last letter. I need to state the obvious once again.

Men and women are different and to begin to compare them in some circles is just plain wrong.

I advocate that the woman be paid just as much as the man is paid, I advocate that women be recognised for every one of their efforts and contributions, I advocate that the girl child be educated just like the men are, I advocate that women become CEOs and executives and so on.

But let it be known that the woman is called the weaker vessel not because they can’t do the things men do but because you cannot measure the physical strength of a man with that of a woman, I dare-say men have more emotional stability than women. Men are logical beings, women are emotional beings, this is what makes women realist and makes men more idealist, men strive for an ideal. On the flip side, I can’t care like you can, I can’t be as tender as you are and a whole lot of other things.

In our differences lies the need for companionship, marriage and all that God offers in a relationship between the man and the woman, I strive for the ideal and you bring me back down to earth, reminding of the reality before me.

Did you not here that the person who created them, created them male and female. In His wisdom he made them for each other not against each other. He looked at the man by himself and said ‘it is not good that man should be alone’. So we need you.

So I’ll fight for equal rights, I’ll fight for equal pay, I’ll fight for girl child education, I’ll fight for your voice to be heard, I’ll fight alongside you, I’ll hold your hands in this fight.

But I won’t fight for you to be me, I won’t fight for homosexuals and homosexual parenthood. We are different, forge a path for yourself and I’ll forge a path for myself, don’t be like me. Be you, the Woman, the Wife, the mother, be the great help that you’ll always be, because you are beautiful, lovely and awesome.

Happy International Women’s day

Your ‘Male Chauvinist’

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