Wednesday, 22 May 2013


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Love of God and The fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen!
2 Corinthians 13:14
I was at church sunday and the title of the message was “YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIVE LIFE ALONE”. And the focus of the Message was on the Holy Spirit, as you all know (or maybe not) its 40 days after the resurrection and hence the birthday of the church. On this day, some 2013 years ago the church was born with 120 people in an upper room, waiting for God’s promise of the Holy Spirit and when He came, there was an explosion, 3000 people were added to the church in one day by one man’s message that’s a 2400% growth(awesome, that’s what I call that). So the focus was how much we need to form a bond with the Holy Spirit.

I’ve heard of God a long time. I was born in the church, raised in the Church and that’s a huge opportunity (although sometimes it could be a burden, but it’s the best thing when you eventually find God). But I never really began to know God till one day (6th July 2007)

On this day, I was having a perfect day (at least that’s what most people will call it), my life was perfect but something was missing. I was in school and life was perfect, my grades were very high, I had need of nothing, I had no reason to be sad or depressed, but there I was depressed and unhappy. Mind you I was born again, and that makes it really puzzling. I went to my friend and I told him what was wrong and he’s like “do you have the Holy Spirit” and I’m wondering “what does that have to do with my state of depression”  and then he said to me to go get the Holy Spirit and explained to me how it works. And on that day, I remember, going into my room and kneeling down saying to the Holy Spirit, come in and within minutes He was there with me and I began to speak in tongues and there was this JOY. Peter calls it and I call it “JOY UNSPEAKABLE FULL OF GLORY”. So I went from being super depressed to being the most joyful person in the world. Now I’ve fallen many times since then but I’ve had Grace to pick me back up on my feet since that day only because God Loves me so much He will never leave me or forsake me.

That story is to point something out, I was born again, had the grace of Jesus and the Love of God, but the fellowship of the Holy Spirit was missing and that put me in a state of despair. The text above prayed for these three things to be present in our lives because of how essential they are to our living as Christians. Grace comes first because it is what makes us acceptable to God and enjoy God’s Love because it is what propels us to do Good and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit because it is what instructs us and helps us along the way( because He is the friend that stays closer than a brother, a perfect gentleman).

To be the Christians we ought to be, we have to have this key ingredients because they nourish us and make us what God sees us as, not one of them should be missing.

Grace is Jesus, it saves us from our despair despite all our imperfections and nails all of them to the cross and makes us free, redeeming us and not condemning us.

Love is God, God is Love, in that while we were still sinners He sent Christ (His Son) to die for us, that’s how much God Loves us.

Fellowship is the Holy Spirit; it’s friendship with the Holy Spirit, this friendship is what we need the most that’s why Jesus needed to leave, He left Earth so we can enjoy this friendship showing to us how important it is. This friendship is born out of talking to the Holy Spirit and listening to Him talk to you too and with time He changes you and transforms you just like every friendship affects our lives.

So my Friend who’s reading
Do you have Grace?
Do you know the Love of God?
Do you Fellowship with the Holy Spirit?
If one of them is missing, go on your Knees and Pray and get those three things and your Life will never remain the same I promise you. It makes you Complete In Him.
Thanks for Reading. God Loves You and God Bless.

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