Tuesday 12 March 2013

ABIDING:Our Victory

Some Few years ago, i was going through a torrid time in my christian life where stumbling and falling became a rhythm. I found some answers in what i am about to share:

John 15
Our Victory as Christians lies in Abiding in Christ.
I do not know any other way for a Christian to live victoriously than by abiding. Therein lays our victory.
In my personal Christian Experience, I have seen and found that I triumph most when I am abiding. When I am not abiding, I slip, I fall, and the more time I spend not abiding the more into the miry clay I sink. That’s universal so don’t go thinking it’s not the same for you too because if you sit back and think you will see what I am saying except you don’t really understand what it means to abide.

Abiding is an Art.
Abiding includes a number of things, but in sum it is absolute dependence on the vine (JESUS) for everything that we want and need.
Abiding includes:
  • ·         Reading God’s word
  • ·         Studying God’s word
  • ·         Meditating on God’s word
  • ·         Praying God’s word
  • ·         Worshipping God
  • ·         Praising God
  • ·         Adoring God
  • ·         Sharing God’s word
  • ·         Fellowship with God’s People
  • ·         Do God’s word.

As you can see each of these is an art on its own so when we put them all together, we have an ART.
They all work hand in hand.
You cannot study what you do not read, can’t meditate on what you don’t read, can’t pray rightly to someone you don’t know, can’t be moved to worship, praise and adore till you read, meditate and study, can only share what you have read.
They form one big loop of victory that sets us on a rock called Jesus. 

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, thanks for this, it's encouraging. I think I know what to do more now.



“Behold, what manner of love the Father has given unto us that we should be called the sons of God” - I John 3:1 John was so fascinated by...