What We Wait For?
God’s word is called the word of His patience (Revelation 3:10) and He rewards our patience when we wait for it.
We are told to run with patience (Hebrews 12:1) and We inherit the Promise through Patience (Hebrews 6:12, 10:32) because all of God’s work is done in Patience and this patience kindles hope (Romans 5:3,4)
The Bible says that the whole of creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God (Roman 8:19). We are waiting for our manifestation as Sons of God. We are waiting for the fulfillment of His Promises, every word that He has spoken to us through His word and through His Spirit.
Jesus reminds us to wait for the Power of the Holy Spirit
(Acts 1:4)
We are waiting for the Kingdom of God. We are to wait for God Himself, repeatedly. Waiting on God is what waiting is all about. We are told to be patient till He comes (James 5:7). Luke 21:19 – In patience possess your souls.
The Lord is good to them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeks Him (Lamentations 3:25)
Luke 8:15 – Patience is how we bring forth fruit.
We wait for His Voice to direct us on what to do next.
We wait for the fulfillment of His Prophecy
We wait for rain, the showers of His Blessing.
We wait to be sent.
We wait to be empowered and strengthened.
The Action of Waiting
We tend to be impatient because sometimes we think we need to act, other times it is because we think we do not have enough time, at other times we feel the urgency from the external factors that cause us to act. The mistake we often make is that we forget that waiting is an action itself. When we wait for God, on God, through God, by God, in God, we are not passive.
The Seasons of waiting
For every one that works for God or walks with God, God will
call you into seasons of waiting. In those seasons, you might wonder, it might
feel like a dry patch because you have gotten used to the action and displays
of power and providence. He will call you aside to a quiet place, very much
like He did with Jesus; these seasons are often hard on some Christians because
they do not understand the following:
The season of waiting is a time of renewal.
The season of waiting is the time to bask/enjoy God’s love.
The season of waiting is the time to Worship and Praise God
for who He is.
The season of waiting is the time to trust.
The season of waiting is the time of Hope.
The season of waiting is time to be perfected.
The season of waiting is the time to watch for where God is working.
The season of waiting is the time to be empowered.
The season of waiting is a time of rest.
The season of waiting is a time of preparation.
In all these, internal action required to carry out the
future external action. To give, you must receive, to work you must rest. This truth
is lost to us, for some reason we refer to Christ’s words that He must work the
works of Him that sent Him while it is day but forget that Christ himself
rested, in the gospels, we are told that He went to a quiet place to rest, He
was asleep on the boat during the storm. We paint a picture that we must work
all the time but forget the God of the Sabbath; forgetting that resting and being
still is a major part of Christianity and we must learn to do this. Yes, we are
told to occupy till He comes but He will be happy if when He comes, He finds us
waiting on Him, Resting in Him because we rested in the season the rest, He
called us to.
Spend time waiting, don’t be in a rush. While you wait Love
Him like a Bride waiting for her groom.
Our victory is not won when we are doing, our victory is won
when we are waiting.
Waiting is the fuel to do.
Build your muscles when you wait, so that when it is time to
go, you would not fall short or be found wanting like the virgins without oil
in their lamp. Waiting fills our lamps with the oil we need to go the distance.
So, what do you have to wait for or What is calling you to
Wait I say. Wait on the Lord.
How we wait for God
God is always working. The evidence is all around us but sometimes
we are blind to see it or feel it in any of our senses. He never stops, the
Bible tells us that He never sleeps or slumbers, He is always working to bring
His word and promise to us to pass, our work is to wait for Him.
Jesus said, my father works, and I work, He was saying that
He see what the father does, and He joins God the Father in that work, not the
other way round. The problem in today’s church is that we go to work, then call
God in to join what we started. We forget that all of creation is God’s work
and our ministries, careers, family life, body, soul and spirit are a part of
God’s work and we must bring them all to Him, so that He can show us His
purpose for it all, after which we proceed in line with what He has shown us.
The church was built on waiting, they waited in the upper room
and received the power that started this never dying kingdom, Paul was hasty to
bring the word of God to certain places and the Holy Spirit prevented Him. Waiting
is a not negotiable, and we must only act in God’s time, and He is never too
Wait daily – Spend time with God in Secret, Wait in His Word,
Wait in Prayer, Wait till the vision is conceived of what you ought to do, Wait
at every step of the way for guidance, Wait in a fast to receive those things
that only come by prayer and fasting.
Let waiting become the habit, the heart that has learnt to
wait for God will move mountains and do the impossible.
Wait to see where God is working and follow Him there. Wait
when it is hard, and you are itching to go.
As I mentioned earlier, it will not be easy, sometimes you
will wonder where God is, sometimes you will falter. sometimes you will make
the mistake of going without Him but when you have realised your foolishness, I
hope that you wait.
Let your faith rest in Him, so that nothing will be able to
pull you away from Him.
Waiting requires absolute trust in Him.
As I write, I am reminded about the armies of Israel long ago,
who would wait while the enemies where at their doorstep, God will often say
don’t do anything, be still and know that I am God. Those stories are pointer
to the truth that we achieve nothing by our own selves but by God alone.
I will finish with the words of one of my favourite songs.
What my eyes can't see I still believe
Everything spoken to me
There's no word that can come back void
I will trust the report of the Lord
God is not a man that He should lie
Every need He will supply
So I will wait, I will not be moved
I believe, I believe, I will trust in You.
While I'm waiting, I'm getting stronger
My faith is rising, and I will run on
While I'm waiting, I'm lifting up on wings as eagles
I believe, I will trust in You.