Wednesday, 18 January 2023




For this is My blood of the [new and better] covenant, which [ratifies the agreement and] is being poured out for many [as a substitutionary atonement] for the forgiveness of sins .

Matthew 26:28 AMP

 And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death.

Revelation 12:11 AMP


Precious, that is what the blood of Jesus is.

In a world that is filled with all sorts of problems, the blood of Jesus is our only plea.

The Bible tells the story of how Satan goes before God as an accuser (Revelation 12:10) and does the same even now, He is the accuser of the brethren. Sometimes, He will accuse us to our face, sometimes before others, through the mouth of others, in our absence or presence, sometimes before God; Sometimes, He will bring our past sins, our present failures, or the sins of our forefathers/ancestors, all as a ploy to prevent us from getting the blessings God has for us. As our only shield against these, I bring you the Blood of Jesus.

The Blood of Abel the first man whose blood was shed cried for revenge, the sin of Cain, needed to be paid for. But the Blood of Jesus? the Bible says it speaks better things than that of Abel(Hebrews 12:24). When we are accused by the Devil or any man, the blood of Jesus speaks on our behalf, saying there is no accusation against us. The Blood has paid every debt; every wage of sin, paid by the Blood.

The blood of Jesus, How Marvelous it is and Wonder Working it is. There is Wonder Working Power in the Blood.

When we are plagued by sin and its guilt or under the siege of a besetting sin, the blood of Jesus washes us, cleanses us, makes us white as snow even in the midst of that battle. The Blood says I have cleansed you, Be Clean, the Be free of your guilt and Shame, The Blood calls out to the Holiness within us put in there by God, It pulls us out of the darkness into Light. A miracle that cannot be explained. We just know that the Blood does Wonders in us.

The Blood is for our Healing, When we partake of the communion, The Blood reminds our bodies of the sacrifice made on our behalf several years ago and renews us through Faith in His Blood. When we are sick or weary, we plea the Blood over our bodies, and the Blood that has never lost its power shows up and gives us strength in ways we cannot explain.

The Blood invites us to the Table to partake of all that we seemed to have lost. It speaks the purpose(goodness) of God into every part of our being(Spirit, Soul and Body), it cries mercy over us, it defends us against evil, it is the signpost in our houses, in the car when we drive, on the road we walk, the blood covers us all.

Where would I be without the Blood of Jesus?

All that my Heart can say is Thank You Jesus for the Blood

Maybe the Blood is all you need today.

To call forth what you are waiting, the stream still flows and it still makes whole, It will never lose its power.


  For the weapons of warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4) So put on t...