Wednesday, 16 November 2016


He that hath an ear, Let Him hear.


O yes it was. Infact, it was THE PLAN. Without the death, the plan was incomplete. He not only had to die but had to be crucified, He not only had to be crucified, He had to shed His blood, not only that, He had to die to conquer Hadeth and Shoel which had power over every nam. Through his death, He became the first begotten of the dead.

The problem with the nams without Jesu was that there remained a stigma everytime Emini communicated with the nams, their sin was like a huge obvious sign with a permanent marker that prevented the King from relating with the nams the way he wanted to and like a huge weight that prevented the nams from entering into Ile -Ife which was where the King wanted the nams to be. He wanted them close to Him both physically and emotionally, he wanted to commune with them like friend with friend but their sin was a hindrance.
Hence, the Son died and all these things became possible. The Son’s death made the impossible possible.


The King’s plan was to bring an end to all evil and it was a pretty elongated one. Every nam who had refused to accept Jesu will feel the wrath of the King because Jesu was the price paid for all sins. Justice required that every nam would pay for their sins one way or the other and the King is Justice and Love, slow to wrath but the day of his wrath will not tarry.

The next era started with the taking away of all the nams who believed in Jesu. Emini’s plan to destroy all evil was set in motion, His wrath against all unrighteousness was about to fill the world. But first He had to take all those who did righteousness away from Areth, all those who were worthy to escape the wrath of the King through Jesu.

One day, a trumpet sounded and only those who walked in the teachings of Jesu were taken away from areth, a lot of them disappeared and there was plenty of chaos. Those who were left on areth were fearful and could not understand why some of them will just disappear without any trace. Areth was in disarray.

But there was a nam called Atin. Atin was the ruler of one of the nations, Atin grew in strength and power after the disappearance of some of the nams, using flattering words He told the nams that there was nothing wrong and that all will be well. Meanwhile, Atin knew that their disappearance was because of the King’s plan. However, through flattery He won majority of the world to his side; what the nams did not know was that Atin was being supported by Levis. Levis saw this as an opportunity for Him to hatch his plan to gain all areth to himself. He did this through Atin.

So, for 3 and a half years, Atin put all the structures in place for him to have dominion over all areth, he made treaties with many nations even though he knew he will break them after several years. Atin united the world together, using the grief of all the world as bait, He made sure everyone was under his dominion and he killed anyone who ever tried to oppose him; He governed ten kingdoms and through ten subjects but when three of the subjects refused his bidding, he had them killed and took over their place.

He declared a new world order. In this new world order, Atin decreed that there must be one religion in all the world and that all religions must come under one. The whole world was deceived by Him because through the prophet He chose, a stone statue was made to talk. He decreed that everyone who will be part of the new world would be marked, without this mark, no one will be able to buy or sell and anyone who refused this mark was tortured to death (some of the nams who had relations with those who disappeared, knew the plan of Atin and tried to convince as many as they could that they should not take the mark). The mark was a seal for all those who will be part of the army of Levis for the battle against the King. Levis was full of subtlety, His pattern was always deception, He never spoke the truth without a lie, he spoke the truth to deceive.

Emini’s wrath was poured out on areth during those 7 years. In those 7 years, there were different kinds of plagues like the world had never seen before (stuff that was only seen in the movies).


The King’s name was Love, His name was Justice, His name was Righteous, His name was True. For this reason, the sin of every nam will receive their just reward.

The nams remaining on areth refused to accept the sacrifice of Jesu for their sins and the time of judgement for all sins was come. The Time was fulfilled. The Wrath of the King started with Atin, Atin was a dubious nam and evil. Emini allowed that all the nams should be ruled by such a one who had no affection but was untowardly evil, he was the first show of the King’s wrath; He went over all the world, conquering through deceit, flattery or oppression.

Suddenly, the nams began to kill each other on a scale like never before. Emini had taken peace from the earth. The nams began to die, some by hunger, some by animals, some from war, this was just the beginning of their travails. The Sun became black as sackcloth and the moon became as red as blood, the stars fell on areth and there were explosions in almost every place, the mountains and the islands were moved out of their places, there was so much chaos. Nams began to cry for the mountains and rocks to fall on them because death was a better experience than what they were experiencing.
In the midst of all these chaos, Emini was still looking to save some of the nams who through these experiences will believe in the sacrifice of Jesu (only that the days of grace were over).

A third of the population of all trees and plants was burnt to ashes, a third of all creatures of the sea died and all ships were destroyed because the sea became blood, the rivers became bitter like wormwood and several men died because they drank from the water. For many days there was darkness for a third part of day and night because a third part of the sun and moon was darkened.
Then, locusts were everywhere, these locusts stung like scorpions and they hurt anyone who was found without the seal of Emini. The locust will not kill anyone but they will torment like a scorpion. The nams sought for death but death would not come.

Just when the nams thought they had some calm, a third of the population of the nams were killed by four angels leading an army of 200 million horsemen. The 200 million horse men killed by fire, smoke and by brimstone which came out of their mouths.

In Areth, there was a place called Salem. In Salem, there was the temple of Emini, which Emini used as a symbol of the heavens. The people of Salem, where a special people, they were descendants of Marhaba and Emini had made a covenant with them that when they saw Jesu on the Mount of Olives, they were to know that was the time of their salvation.

The salemites were like all nams, loved by the King but stubborn and obstinate. The King would not break His covenant with them so He promised them His Salvation during the Days of His wrath. Through two witnesses, Emini testified against Atin in salem, so that all the nams will see their foolishness. The witnesses will prophesy and whatever they said came to pass because Emini gave them power to stop rain from falling and fire killed anyone who tried to hurt them. Atin will point to these witnesses as the cause of areth’s troubles (Another lie, another deception) because He could not kill them.

Three and a half years after the disappearance, these two witnesses were killed when their message against areth was over but after 3 and a half days they rose again. As they rose, there was an earthquake that killed seven thousand people in salem.

In the end, lightning and thundering and earthquake shook the whole earth. Every mountain was shaken out of it’s place, all islands disappeared, some oceans where dried up, every wall was fallen. The stage was set for the coming of the King. Levis will be conquered.

The time was set for Armageddon.

There is a line that is drawn by rejecting Jesus the King’s Son.
And the call of His Love we exhaust.
Will you come and be healed?
Will you whisper I yield?
Count the cost if your soul is lost and you gain the world but not Jesus.
Accept Jesus and Accept His teachings.
Because Life does not end at death, our ability to choose only ends at death.

Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord and God.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

King Among the Nations ('ATOBATELE')

God has Spoken
Twice I have heard it
That Power Belongs unto Him
He is King Over all Nations.
His Dominion is an Everlasting Dominion.

He sets kings in their places,
He sets up one and brings down another
He sets up one and brings him down when He will not hear His Voice
He has set His purpose amongst the nations
That the Earth may Know that He is Maker of Heaven and Earth.
The Kingdoms of the Earth are given to whomsoever He wills
Even to the basest of all men

Ah, Lord God
Thou hast made the Heavens and the Earth
By Thine Great Power
And Thine Outstretched Arm
And Nothing is difficult for thee.

The Lord reigns
Let the earth rejoice
Let the Wicked Tremble
For He will trample on them with His feet of fine brass.

He has set things in motion
And the sons of men cannot stop it
Who is like our God
He has set His purpose among the nations
And none can stop it

God has Spoken
And Twice I have heard it.
That Power belongs unto Him
He will not rest

Until Our Enemies are our footstool.


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