Friday, 30 January 2015

A letter to the Feminist

Dear Feminist,

A few years ago I heard you speak about how the world is so unfair to women and the need for more roles for women in the corporate world, you spoke of how women are used as foot-mats by men and how science shows that women are better managers than men.

I listened to you say that men are equal to women in the society and you even go on to insinuate that the women do more than the men in today's world because they are mothers and career women at the same time.

You spoke of how women are more faithful than men and often times in decision making have a better judgement. You spoke of how the present man’s world have failed us and how the women should be given the chance to fix what we the men have changed. You gave classic quotes like
What a man can do, a woman can do better.
Behind every successful man, there is a woman
A woman is the home builder.
And the likes.

I agree with lots of your words and for a fact, I have great regard for the leading women in today's world. However, I must point out some flaws in your statement.

1. The man is not equal to the woman.
2. A woman alone is not the home builder
3. Women do not need more roles in the corporate world and the men do not as well
4. like it or not it’s a man’s world (that’s just the male chauvinist in me talking)

If you believe in God or you’re an atheist, He created mankind male and female and called the woman a help to the man. If there was no need for the man he'll have created them female and female or vice versa.  But because, the man is different from the woman he created it so and made them think differently, react differently and speak differently. In the scheme of things therefore, we need each other.

An organisation with two leaders is usually soon to divide, that's why every organisation always needs a leader. Someone needs to be responsible for the family and I dear say it's the man based on biblical principles and several other reasons. I say this because he is stronger than the woman, he is the one who is called to die for his wife and children. He is what I call a servant leader.  Not the male chauvinist ruler leader presented by those on the other side. If he leads, he does so not out of a need to fill his ego, it's out of the sense that he wants to protect,serve,take care of and love you. So respect Him for that and you'll see just how much he will love you.

Statistics have shown that kids without a father figure are more prone to domestic violence and other criminal vices. He or she needs a father, a father that shows him that just because he is stronger doesn't mean he has to lord it over or bully whoever is weaker, a father that shows that to be head is to love and to provide for his own. He or she also needs a mother that will show that doing a lot of work in the house doesn't translate to being a slave, but that a king and a Queens role is to serve her subjects not the other way round.

Today's world places a lot of economic demands on families.  The man and woman have to work to keep it together.  However, if we are all out there working what happens to our children, how can we show them what it means to be a father and husband as well as wife and mother. We can't leave them to social media, TV and the likes. The world is not all economics and today, we seem to be growing in the economic front but are losing it at the social front.

We need to live balanced lives. A balanced life is one that sees the need for  the man and the woman to be at home. A balanced life is one that sees that being in charge gives me the responsibility to love more and being the woman gives me the responsibility of showing respect and submitting and does not make me any less of a being.

My dear feminist. We all need each other. And that's the message we need to pass across to our kids who someday will be in our shoes.

With the deepest love

Your Male Chauvinist. 

Thursday, 29 January 2015


The love of Christ disciplines us………………………….’ (2 Corinthians 5:14)
‘Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not Love, I am Like an empty barrel………………………Love never fails……………………… and there are faith, hope and Love but the greatest of this is Love’ (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)
'Do not let your freedom become a stumbling block to those who are weak' (1 Corinthians 8:9)
'…………where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom' (2 Corinthians 3:17)
'As free and not using your freedom as an excuse to harm others' (1 Peter 2:16)

I'm drawing on the wisdom of age today. My Father reminded me today how the love we have for something or someone causes us to act in certain ways. An example is how the love of a man for his wife makes him do the things that pleases her, disciplines him to steer clear of others and gives him freedom with her.

Love, Freedom and discipline.

These three things are connected and often misconstrued.

Love is made to look like it is simply an emotion. It is also made to look like the preceding factor before sex, Love is painted as an action of only kindness. These are only a part of it.

Freedom is regarded as the power to do what we want rather than the power to do what we ought to. Freedom as preached by human rights activist today has become a form of slavery because the very humans become slaves to that which they are fighting for.

Discipline is seen in the light of a stern, frown-faced man who will crucify you for even a smile.

All of these are wrong notions of these three things.

As humans, we need love to treat other men like we ought to, freedom to be able to do the things we ought to and discipline to stay clear of the things we want to do but are not supposed to.

Love, Freedom and Discipline.

The only freedom and discipline that is worth a man’s while is that which is born out of Love.
Love in its purest form, not the love that is preached in the streets. Love that births the smallest acts of Kindness as shown in ‘ordinary people’ by Cobhams, Love that sacrifices, and Love that lifts a person up. A love for God in Christ.

That is the connection. Our love for something ought to make us free and prevent us from doing the things that will harm us or others.

Jesus said the summary of all the law is to Love God and Love your neighbour as yourself and the wisest man, Solomon said, the conclusion of everything is to love God and Keep His commandments.

I have to reiterate the fact that a discipline and freedom that comes out of Love for anything else other than God is Unbalanced and will lead to the harm of some part of us. We are created in the image of God and we are unable to love the way we ought to outside of God, without God what is left is our ability to destroy ourselves because we are unable to live a balanced life. A balanced life is one which prospers the body, soul and spirit of a man not leaving one at the expense of another. When we love like God wants us to, we love like Christ. He is the example of what it means to love.

Love, Discipline and Freedom.

Why is it that in churches today, we say that where the spirit of God is there is freedom and we forget that the Love of God should discipline us to do the things that we ought to which is to live righteous and holy lives.

Or why is it that human rights activist fight for the rights of every man while forgetting that there are certain rights that are not to be fought for?

The Love of God constrains us.

No man is whole without God. It is only in God through Christ that we are able to find the balance of Love, Freedom and Discipline.

In Christ, we find Love for God, we find the freedom to do the things that are good for ourselves and for the people around us and the discipline to steer of the things that we ought not to.

As we prepare for His coming, let’s pray for the grace to Love God and men, the freedom not to be slaves to any of our desires and the discipline to stay clear of the things that will destroy mankind.

The Love of Christ frees us and disciplines us. Love is the beginning and the ending of it all.

Thursday, 8 January 2015


Righteousness Exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34)

This is leadership 101, the first lesson of leadership that should be taught to leaders and followers alike, ‘everything rises and falls on leadership’.

I always base my discussions on the Bible, because there is no other book that sheds light on how man ought to walk like the Bible does, it indeed is true that it is ‘Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth’. The book itself says that ‘all scripture is written for our learning that we through it might have hope’.

Recently, I had a discussion about Nigeria about its plight with my Dad and a Friend of the Family, it shed so much light that I decided that every Nigerian should here this, if you can as you read this copy it and paste it till it can reach as many as it should.

Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership. Leadership is what can change a corrupt people to right ways.

We are approaching Elections and we are once again having to vote a leader for the next few years, some for the first time are asking for our votes, some for the second time are coming to ask for our votes. The answer to the question of who to vote is in one word ‘RIGHTEOUSNESS’. The success of nation hinges on righteousness, when righteousness prevails, the nation grows and when sin prevails, the nation continues in doom or dives towards doom. The rich get richer and the poor poorer no matter how much work they put in or how many ideas they create or invent.

Look at the great nations of the world, they were built on righteous principles. Their laws where built to protect the least of men, women and children in their societies.

At the moment in Nigeria, we’ve got a leader who rewards righteousness and criminality alike, anything goes with Him, He speaks pleasing words to everyone so long as they are in support of Himself, and please what else do you think He will offer in a second term. I voted President Jonathan in but now I must say, it’s time for Him to pack His bags and go because He has shown that He will not fight for what is righteous. Let Him go and if we get another who is less righteous, we throw Him out too. The people need to show the politicians that we need better leaders not the same recycled people since 1999 who have shown incompetence in times of democracy. A leader who can rule His own House and community by example. A leader who acts in the right, whether Muslim or Christian or traditionalist.

Someone said, that if Nigeria prospers the way it is now, He will stop going to church. Because if it does with the way it is now, we can say God is partial, unjust and a liar. Nigeria prospering in the evil tells evil people that they can continue in their evil. Without righteousness, the people suffer and the dividends of democracy will never get to the common man on the streets. Where is justice, is evil being punished?

In Bible days, the nation of Israel Prospered when their Kings where Righteous Kings and when they had a King who eschewed righteousness, the nation fell back into a state of doom and despair. Every Israelite speaks of the time of David with Delight because He is a King who pursued Righteousness.

Leadership built on righteous principles have been shown to work in Nigeria, the late Akinyuli turned NAFDAC around on this principle, Fashola changed the Face of Lagos on this principle, and all governors who have succeeded did so on righteous principles. But there is very little they can do when the 'oga at the top' is shady in his dealings.

Righteousness is Key, because a development brought to the people without it is sure to fail.
Righteousness Pays, So when next you are going to vote, look at that leader and ask yourself if He is righteous or not because His or her righteousness is what transfers to the people and makes an exalted nation that we can call our home.

And when next you are saying a prayer to God for Nigeria, Pray that God will exalt the Righteous People in this nation and that God will give us a Righteous Leader who will fight for what is good and right. Who will speak against what is wrong and do what is right.

Go out There, make your votes count.

God Bless Nigeria.


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