I often write when I get some light about something. When
all of a sudden understanding floods my way and there is a revelation (some
people call it Rhema). And then there’s when I write when I find something I’m
guilty of, something I’ve got all wrong. I write to give light to myself and I
share it so that others may see what I see and maybe in some way be able to
apply it in their own lives as well.
These next few words encompass all these. It’s a subject I
am passionate about. It’s been at the tip of my mind for many years now and
understanding dawned on me today.
What is righteousness?
What is true righteousness?
Is there a false righteousness?
How do you achieve righteousness?
Who is righteous? When can a man say he is truly righteous?
Righteousness is to do right. However the world seems to
have found a way to turn what is right and wrong to a debate. So I’ll give the
best definition I have ever come up with. Righteousness
is a lifestyle that rewards you with heaven. How does that happen? By
pleasing God, so you can go on to say that Righteousness
is pleasing God. So if righteousness has to be
taken back to God I know of only one way to know what righteousness is and that
is by reading the God’s handbook for life; the BIBLE.
*now there are many other books written by men, some true,
some false that point out what righteousness is but I stick with the Bible
because it’s the one book that is tried and tested and despite all efforts to
kill it. It remains the most widely read book in the entire world. It’s been a
best seller for all time.
There are several passages of scripture on righteousness but
I will go to one that says:
Except your
righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees you shall
in no way enter the kingdom of God.
So how could righteousness be false? It is false when the
motive for doing right is wrong. RIGHTEOUSNESS STEMS FROM THE INSIDE.
It is born out of the desire to please God. Our very thoughts need to be righteous
before we can be righteous on the outside.
We are men, created by God. We were made by Him to live in a
way. Like it or not that way is to honour Him, have you ever seen someone who
created something to hurt himself? A creator creates something in a way to
honour him and we are the same. The difference with us is that we are loved and
out of love God gave us a soul that gives us the ability to choose, something
that no other creation has been given. So our ability to choose is a gift,
something given to us because at the end of this world God wants to gather to
Himself a people from all nations who have chosen to honour Him.
What’s false righteousness? It looks to please men, it looks
to honour itself. It looks to look good in the eyes of men. It is superficial,
it is called self-righteousness. It has it all right on the outside but inside its
all wrong. Its output is right but the system (mind-set) is all wrong.
Who is righteous? A righteous man is one who looks to
please God. Who humbly looks to heaven and forgets every prejudice that he has
got for any religion or lifestyle, asks God what he has made him for, lives by
God’s laws and commandments. He is that man that chooses to do what is good and
right in God’s eyes. This is what righteousness is all about. A man who has
given his heart and mind to please the One who created him.
Finally, Solomon said ‘let
us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, fear God, keep his commandments,
this is the whole duty of man’.
So to you my friend let us look in our lives and look to
please God because that is the fear of God. I am guilty of the sin of not
living righteously because somewhere along the line I have lost the
interpretation of what righteousness really is. Let us all go back to God and ask
Him what righteousness is really is.
You cannot be righteous on your because to do good is not in
man, we are all sinners till we come to the cross, I see it in a child who
cries because he wants his way, I see it in the teenager who struggles with his
or her emotions and lets the emotions control them, I see it in the adult who
knowing his days are numbered still wants to control the times, and maybe you
don’t do any of these, look closely and you will see it in the little things
you do every day.
Let us be careful that we do not lose the meaning of righteousness
to the mere outward practices of going to church, working in the church,
praying every day, sometimes five times or more, not doing what every other
person does, telling people the truth or preaching, not lying or not stealing. You cannot please God in one part of your life and leave the other out and say you are righteous.
Righteousness is found in Christ, in his blood, in his word,
in his power. He is the one man who all His life lived to please
God(righteously) this is why he is the sacrifice for our sins.
As it is written God
made him that knew no sin to be sin for us that the righteousness of God may be
found in us.
Come join me at the foot of the cross. Ask for forgiveness and
for righteousness to be imparted unto us through Christ and find grace to live
righteously, to be righteous is to live totally dependent on God in absolute
Trust and Faith.
Search me O God, know
my heart today, try me, know my thoughts, see if there is some wicked way in me
and set me free.